Friday, February 26, 2010

Teach your users to use your product

To explain this concept consider an example of Nokia MusicXpress phones.

How many buyers use it to listen to music?
I did a dip-stick research and found that users are using it to:
1. Play games
2. Listen to radio
3. Click photos

in addition to using the basic phone features of calling and messaging. A very few users actually copied/downloaded songs on the phone.

A few did download the free 10 songs available from Nokia Ovi store, but found it a cumbersome process as it required registration, downloading and then transferring of song using USB to mobile phone.

So how could Nokia add more value to it USP ? How can it get its users fall in love with the music feature? How can it make users experience the Music on its phone?

To know the answer to above questions , we need to know the reasons why a user might not try out the music feature on Nokia .

The reasons are the following pain areas:
1. Downloading songs on the device:
User would have to connect to their PC using a bluetooth or a USB cable to copy songs on the device.

2. Limited internal memory that the device supports, which limits the number of songs user can transfer to their mobile phones.

3. User has to purchase ear-phone which is currently not packaged with the device ( an additional cost to the user).

Can Nokia solve the above issues ? Certainly!
Sell the device with

1. pre-loaded 50 songs on 1Gb external memory card
2. package the device with headphones
3. provide default shortcut on welcome screen or home screen

Solving the pain areas might increase the product cost, but would atleast let users experience the Music features. If this is really a stand-out feature , users would spread the word about your product.

Learn from Apple products:
Ever wondered why Apple iPod is sold with a neck string?
They want to teach their users . They want the user to use iPod by hanging it around his/her neck.

Advanatages to the user:
1. Easy to carry the device, instead of stuffing it in your pocket

In return Apple also gets free Advertising . All users turn into brand ambassadors for Apple Ipod.

So help your users to use your product , the way you want them to !
Teach them !